Business Plan Application: How To Fill In The ‘Turnover’ Tab?

To get a business plan using our online application, you need to fill in several information. Among them, we find in particular the estimated turnover. This is one of the essential parts of your financial document. Here are the scope and nature of the work you must perform in the “Turnover” tab of the free application.

The forecast turnover in a few words

Revenue is all the sales you plan to make each year. It may be the sale of goods (goods, manufactured products) or the provision of services (intellectual or manual services).

A forecast turnover is always calculated in the same way, by product, regardless of the frequency (weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.): Number of sales during the period * Unit price excluding taxes.

To complete the information in the “Turnover” tab of our application, you must therefore be aware of:

  • The number of sales made each month or each year: you can estimate this data by carrying out, for example, an analysis of your catchment area and a more or less extensive market study depending on your sector of activity and the specificities of your project ;
  • And your (or your) selling price: several methods exist to set a selling price, but always make sure you compare yourself to your competitors. Indeed, your product will not interest anyone if it is more expensive than that of a competitor and does not provide any added value compared to it.

To go further in this study, you can consult this file: setting your turnover objectives.

The data that you will enter in the “Financial forecast” category of our application has only one purpose: to allow our business plan software to generate your financial tables. They have no other utility and will never be sold to third parties, for example.

Add revenue to the app

To add sales of goods and/or services, click on the blue button labelled “Add sales”. A new page opens. You must then enter:

  • Title of turnover: it must indicate the exact nature of your sales. Be more specific and use terms other than “sales of goods” or “provision of services” such as, for example, “Consulting assignments” or “Sales of sporting goods”;
  • Breakdown of turnover over the year: you must indicate whether the turnover you will enter will be annual and divided equally over the year (select “monthly”) or if you wish to enter your turnover. business month by month (select “custom”);
  • Do you have purchases directly linked to your turnover: for certain activities, the smallest euro of turnover generates X € of purchases (of goods, materials, materials, etc.) If this is your case, select “Yes “. Be careful, do not take your overheads into account; they must appear in the “Expenses” tab;
  • Margin percentage (%): If you answered “Yes” to the previous question, enter your margin rate here. Given as a percentage, it corresponds to the result of the following calculation: (turnover – purchases) * 100 / turnover;
  • Amount excluding tax in euros of your starting stock: the starting stock corresponds to the goods – in purchase value – that you want to have available from the launch of your activity. It results from the estimate of your first sales and your safety stock (see below);
  • Net amount in euros of your average stock: this is your critical stock, or, in other words, the minimum stock level you want. When a sale causes your inventory to drop below safety stock, a replenishment will automatically be triggered.
  • The VAT rate on sales and VAT rate on purchases: indicate the rate applicable to your sales, which applies to your purchases of goods, materials, and supplies. Please note, they can be different (especially in catering, for example).
  • Customer payment deadline and Supplier payment deadline: select here the deadline – in several days – that will separate the date of completion of a sale or make a purchase from the date of payment (0, 30 or 60 days).

Add other products

Here, it is not a question of adding turnover strictly speaking, but incidental income. They are marginal and generally have no relation to the nature of the activity. In particular, it may be financial income or other operating income. Please note that using subsidies should not appear here. You must enter them in the “Funding” tab.

To add these side recipes, click on “Add another product”. Give a name to this product (example: “Interest on financial investments”), then specify its nature: “financial product” or “other operating income”. The distinction is vital because these revenues will not appear in the same place in your forecast income statement. All you have to do is enter the amount, then the year and month of receipt of the product. Optionally, select the VAT rate.

At any time, you can modify or delete your entry by clicking on one of the two icons provided for this purpose.

Also Read: Business Software Is A Frequently Used Point Of Attack

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