All Free Programs To Permanently Eliminate Internet Advertising

We don’t have a real winner yet, but the fight is now between only two giants: Adblock Plus and uBlock. The first is undoubtedly the most famous and still used today. Still, the second is making its way quickly and is more appreciated for its lightness and low memory consumption during navigation. Now let’s see how they install and how they work.

Adblock Plus

Adblock Plus is the program – extension that has made history since the Internet as we all know it. Its only task and purpose – which it performs flawlessly – is to eliminate all advertisements and all those annoying ads from websites. The extension guarantees full compatibility on all internet browsers, so it is 100% functional on:

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Internet Explorer
  • Apple Safari
  • Microsoft Edge.

To find out how to install Adblock Plus on Firefox or another browser, follow these simple steps (the guide refers to installation on Firefox but is very similar on other programs as well).

  • Once you have entered the extension’s official website, click on the green button to launch its installation.
  • When asked for permission, click “Add extension” and wait a few seconds.
  • Adblock has been installed! You will be immediately redirected to the plugin’s “Welcome Page.” Could you not close it?
  • By scrolling down, as mentioned above in the article, you can (must) also activate the blocking and protection from malware and browsing tracking (I do not recommend starting the social media blocker)

You will already be officially protected and free from all sorts of invasive advertising, but let’s go further and analyze the other options available together. From version 12 of the Apple Safari browser, the extensions related to blocking site ads are no longer functional. The “problem” arises from the fact that Apple, with its latest operating system ( macOS Mojave ), has significantly increased system security by implementing new and more robust restrictions and controls. No problem. Both Adblock Plus and uBlock Origin moved in time and released their program in the form of an app that can be downloaded directly from the App Store.

Adblock Plus: All Settings

To recall the advanced settings of Adblock Plus, you have to click the small icon at the top right in the space reserved for extensions near the address bar. Once done, click again at the bottom on “options.” In front of you is a screen divided by tabs. Of vital importance, if you want to permanently and 100% eliminate all types of distractions and pop-ups, it will be unchecked in the “allow some inappropriate advertisements. ”

For the rest, all the lists currently active and ready to use are listed above, automatically updated day by day by volunteers and experts in the sector. Below is an excerpt from Easylist: -advertisement- -adwords. -affiliate-link. -affiliates / img_ -amazon-ads / -article-ad- -article-ads- -article-advert- -Banner-Advert- -banner.swf? -banner300x250. -banner468x60. -bannerads / -bg_ads. -billboard-ads / -bin / ad_ -blog-ad- -book-ad- -Box-Ad. -box2-ad? -contrib-ads.

In “add your filters,” it is possible to add, formatted according to particular rules, new filters that can be downloaded online or created by the user himself—not recommended for the less experienced as the default ones are already more than enough. In “allowed domains,” you can enter all those websites for which you do not want to activate the blocking of advertisements or tracking codes. Valuable when – and it can happen – the site you are visiting is not displayed as it should, or some menus or functions are not working. In this case, please insert it into this list to avoid having more problems.

How To Disable Adblock Plus For A Single Site

More and more sites today prevent those with an active ad blocker from reading an article, watching a movie, or streaming TV series. Many sites are based on advertising, and if this is not invasive or annoying, it will be proper to disable Adblock Plus to finally be able to enjoy the download or viewing of the content. So let’s see immediately how to disable Adblock Plus on Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer on a single site. The procedure is the same on all browsers.

Doing so is very simple:

  • Visit the offending site on which there is an active control on ad-blockers.
  • Now click on the ABP icon usually located at the top right next to the search bar of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer.
  • Uncheck “Activated on this site” from the pop-up menu
  • Refresh the page now.

“But has something changed? I do not think so”. Well yes. Perhaps it is not so apparent to the eye, but this operation has allowed the extension to remain active on all sites, EXCEPT the one just visited. It should also be noted that the operation is set permanently, so every time you return to visit that specific URL, Adblock will remember your setting and will disable the block for that particular site.

uBlock Origin: Eliminate All Internet Advertising

uBlock Origin vs. Adblock Plus. The challenge. Let’s see how it works. The installation of uBlock Origin is very similar, if not identical, to that of its “rival” (this time, the guide refers to the building on Firefox):

  • Once you have entered the extension’s official website, click on the green button to launch the installation (“add to Firefox”)
  • When asked for permission, click “install” and wait a few seconds.
  • uBlock Origin has been installed!

If a site gives you display problems or will show you a warning, to add it to the white list, open the app menu and click on the big blue circle (logo on / off) as shown in the photo. Doing so will disable uBlock Origin for the single site while remaining active on all the others. From version 12 of the Apple Safari browser, the extensions related to blocking site ads are no longer functional.

The “problem” arises from the fact that Apple, with its latest operating system ( macOS Mojave ), has significantly increased system security by implementing new and more robust restrictions and controls. No problem. Below is the new link where you can download the uBlock app that deletes and removes all advertising from Safari 12: uBlock Origin for Safari 12 and later

uBlock Origin: All Settings

Unlike the rival, the advanced options can be reached by clicking on the program’s name itself, always after calling up its menu by clicking on the plugin icon at the top right. As you can see from the screenshot below, the options are much more numerous than in Adblock Plus. Still, the advice is always to leave everything as it is as this is already sufficient to guarantee total protection from unwanted pop-ups and other annoying intrusions.

Also Read: Set Pop-Up Blocker In Safari

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