HomeDIGITAL MARKETINGePrivacy Regulation And Cookies, The Importance Of The New Rules For The...

ePrivacy Regulation And Cookies, The Importance Of The New Rules For The World Of Online Advertising

There is great expectation for the future reform of the ePrivacy directive, which concerns the protection of personal data of online users and will, therefore, have a substantial impact on the world of digital marketing. Companies that are already preparing will be at an advantage. Among the new features is the short-lived cookie. The world of online advertising is already preparing to welcome the new EU ePrivacy regulation, expected in 2019. The scandal linked to Facebook and Cambridge Analytica has opened the eyes of many people and highlighted the importance of personal data they have for companies that operate in the online sector.

According to the “State of Marketing ” study by Salesforce, in 2019, the use of data for marketing purposes will grow by 50% and with this also the use of artificial intelligence for better personalization of campaigns: the more information a company has over its consumers, the greater the possibility of creating targeted and effective advertising campaigns that meet the needs and interests of its future customers.

Like any technological innovation, the advance of artificial intelligence and big data also brings with it new dynamics and new responsibilities. Marketers today – thanks to opaque data collection practices and the consequent lowering of trust on the part of users – are much more careful about the way they collect and use data.

ePrivacy, The GDPR Is Not Enough To Protect Online Consumers

The entry into force of the GDPR has undoubtedly had a positive impact on the market as it has contributed, on the one hand, to creating greater clarity and uniformity between the countries of the Union regarding the process relating to the management and use of data and its compliance (also thanks to the high penalties provided for by the legislation), and on the other to guarantee consumers more excellent protection of their personal information.

Despite its importance, the European regulation is perceived by professionals in the tech sector as too general when applied to the online advertising sector. For this reason, in addition to what has already been defined by the GDPR, the reform of the ePrivacy directive should also take place in the coming months, which will specifically deal with the protection of electronic communications, the security of digital devices and the protection of personal data in the online world.

Online Advertising Needs A New ePrivacy Regulation

It will, therefore, be the new ePrivacy regulation that will define in detail how to intervene regarding cookies and IDs. There are many expectations regarding this regulation, but at the moment, there has yet to be an official. What is certain is that the companies that are already moving to obtain certifications and increase their skills will then be the ones to be most advantaged in the process of adaptation while respecting the consumer.

Until the law comes into force, the rules of media automation will be dictated by the big players in the market, especially Google. With his multiple roles in the programmatic sector – DSP, Ad Network Advertiser – he will be in charge of the game until an official and specific regulation for the industry is applied. Regulation will separate trained and committed players from promises of high ROI and cost per lead that fill marketers’ eyes but don’t reach the right audiences.

This is also a time of change for experts and data engineers to dedicate themselves to solutions that respect the user and for communication teams to raise consumer awareness of the importance of data consent for a personalized browsing experience. Among the various exciting solutions will be the use of short-lived cookies. These allow us to precisely understand the intentions of a consumer at a given moment and to show him relevant and non-intrusive advertising while respecting privacy through the use of sufficient data to ensure that companies can put advertising at the service of users and provide a positive experience.

Also Read: 8 Alternatives To Tracking Cookies

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