HomeTECHNOLOGYJuice: That's Why The E-Mobility Company Is Different From Other Manufacturers

Juice: That’s Why The E-Mobility Company Is Different From Other Manufacturers

The rapid development of e-mobility gradually brought more and more young companies onto the market – also in ​​​​charging infrastructure, such as Juice Technology AG.

Juice Challenge: A Drone Race In The Office?

The Juice Challenge 2021 makes it clear why Juice is different: With a total length of 623 metres over four floors, Juice held an in-office drone race at the Juice Technology HQ. Below you can see the final video that was created.

A total of three pilots took part in the Juice Challenge. The first pilot was Michael Issler, aka SwiftFPV. Michael flies in the Swiss Drone League (SDL), has also passed in the Drone Champions League (DCL) and successfully participated in the Drone World Championship in Shenzhen 2019.

The second pilot was Daniel Bachofen, aka ExeSwiss. Daniel is only a film pilot and does not fly any races. His specialty is producing films. Finally, Markus Hauri was also on-site as a drone pilot.

Drones, also called cine whoops, were used. These are drones with propeller protection specially designed for indoor filming. This makes it possible to fly the drones safely and without risk of injury even in the vicinity of people, which is particularly important in an office.

Who Is Juice?

Juice Technology AG, headquartered in Switzerland, is one of the largest e-mobility companies to charge solutions for e-vehicles. Since 2014, Juice has dominated the market worldwide regarding 22 kW mobile charging stations.

Due to Juice’s extensive product range, with AC and DC charging stations, the company is one of the few full-line suppliers in the industry. This means that customers will find everything from light mobile devices to large fast chargers in the portfolio.

With all products, the focus is always on the customer. Because the company was founded out of a specific need: charging e-cars should be as easy as possible.

Juice Technology AG not only has a headquarters in Switzerland but is also present worldwide with its locations, subsidiaries, and partner companies. For example, the company also has a seat in Munich with the Juice Europe GmbH.

More than 200 people are currently employed at Juice in research and development, production, marketing, administration, purchasing and sales, and logistics.

How Is Juice Different From Other Manufacturers?

Not only the Challenge 2021 but also the company principles show why Juice differs from other manufacturers. For example, one of the company’s most important factors is that charging an electric car must be as easy as setting up a smartphone. So you rely on solutions that are as simple and intuitive as possible for customers.

Juice stands for sustainable charging concepts beyond the individual charging station, such as the intelligent juice setting and load management software. The j+ pilot app serves as a hub for the operation to ensure even more convenience in everyday use.

However, what is particularly important is the level of expertise of the e-mobility company. You have extensive knowledge of developments in e-mobility and always think future-oriented.

Suppose you want to find out more about the company. In that case, you will find all the essential information about e-mobility and the diverse solutions of Juice Technology AG on the website.

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