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Stay On Top Of The 4 C’s Of Marketing Present In Social Networks

If you work in areas related to sales and communication, you must have heard about the 4 Ps of marketing. This theory is based on the following elements: product, price, place and promotion. However, with the digital marketing revolution comes a new concept: the 4 Cs of marketing.

After All, What Are The 4 C’s Of Marketing?

More and more marketers will need to adapt to the social media revolution. In these channels, customers become partners and promoters of the brand. To build this type of bond, it is necessary to understand and consider their preferences to adapt services and products to their needs.

This shift in focus – from product to customer – underpins the theory behind the 4 Cs of marketing. Robert Lauterborn developed these 4 Cs in social media to refer to customer, cost, convenience and communication.

As you can see, the big difference is the focus: in Lauterborn’s conception, the customer must be the center of all strategies and actions on the web.


In Ps theory, the first element is the “product”. In this new concept, all efforts are focused on the customer.

More important than creating a quality product is understanding what the consumer needs, which encompasses their changing habits and customs in the dynamic environment of the internet.

Customer feedback is valuable, and there’s no better method for gathering feedback and conducting market research than social media. They are a fantastic way to interact, connect, support, and track branding-related metrics.

From this perspective, the user experience when interacting with the brand is also considered. It is necessary to create memorable moments so that he identifies with the company and becomes a loyal follower.

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Let’s move on to the second element of the traditional 4 Cs of marketing: “the price”. Here, in contrast, the term used in reference is cost. In the digital environment, it is better to measure costs. This allows you to scale to discover the performance of each stock.

For example, to determine the cost of acquiring a customer (or Cost per Click, CPC), you can create a Facebook Ads campaign, develop leads and see how many became buyers.

Thus, the price of the ad loses strength, and the metric analyzed is the amount spent to make a sale, which significantly supports the positive Return on Investment (ROI).

To calculate, add all the invested amounts (including labour, outsourced services, software, and electronic devices) and divide by the element you want to inspect. Thus, the lower the cost per acquisition, the better the strategy. Pricing then becomes just one part of the digital strategy.


Now we come to the third C. In the traditional diagram of the cs of marketing, we would be in the element known as the “place”, which convenience replaces in the digital one. The square is the selling point. Traditionally, these are stores, supermarkets, gas stations or any other place where the product is offered.

However, in the digital environment, things work a little differently. It is possible to sell in virtual stores, mobile device applications and social networks. Remember: there is no perfect formula, and it is only through several tests that it is possible to decide on the best distribution channel.

In the age of social media, the square is now called convenience, as it refers to how easy it is to close a deal over the internet. E-commerce, for example, must offer a user-friendly layout, making the purchase practical. The site should be fine with error pages, long registrations or confusing design.

It is also essential that the website is responsive and adapted to different devices and screen sizes, such as tablets, smartphones, notebooks and desktops, and other systems, such as iOS and Android.

But several other factors are considered in terms of convenience: ease of choosing products, variety of payment methods, speed of delivery, the possibility of discounts, and cashback, among other factors.


Finally, we come to the last C, which refers to communication. It replaces “promotion” in the 4 Ps of traditional marketing.

That’s because how you relate to consumers is more critical than clear disclosure. In addition, the brand’s reputation before the public is considered in the communication factor.

This is the crucial element for success on social media. After all, there need to be interactions between the company and users, establishing a relationship to make sales or maintain customer loyalty.

This is precisely what happens on social media every day. Companies should promote what they sell and provide utility for their followers.

Nowadays, it is only possible to talk about the company’s product. A simple promotional post will generate a different engagement than a creative post adapted to the company’s audience. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in relevant content to create deep connections between the brand and its followers.

Also Read: 6 Tools For Managing Social Networks Like A Pro

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