HomeBUSINESSProcess Optimization Through AI: Now It's Getting Productive!

Process Optimization Through AI: Now It’s Getting Productive!

Artificial intelligence (AI) application was nebulous and not tangible for a long time. Pilot projects often did not make it to productive use. That has changed; AI has made its way into everyday business life in many areas.

The search for possible uses of AI in one’s own company also reassesses business and decision-making processes. It culminates in process optimization and extensive automation.

Process Optimization First!

The investment sums already show that AI applications are gaining ground: they have doubled in the past year. The commitment to the further development of medical applications and autonomous vehicles was exceptionally high. This development will continue because companies can integrate AI functionality into existing products and services more and more efficiently. Because many AI applications (such as automatic image processing, prediction techniques and decision-making systems) are mature and have long since left the testing and development phase. Artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) are now established technologies. There are a variety of standardised platforms with a modular ecosystem for them.

The fields of application can be roughly divided into three areas:

Video Processing: Video cameras are now inexpensive to purchase as components or standalone devices. The costs are often lower than those of specialised sensors. With an AI behind it, video cameras are often used as universal sensors and probes to detect objects and people. But you can also capture facial expressions and rate scenes. In production plants, AI ​​can measure products precisely by using moving images to determine product quality. Particularly helpful: new functions and an improved assessment can often be made available through a software update with unchanged hardware, which protects investment costs.

Evaluation Of Human Language (NLP): Natural language – spoken or written – is used in daily business to transport and exchange information. The form varies: The information finds its way into the company as files, invoices, financial transactions, customer comments, social media inquiries, e-mails, voice messages, presentations or specialist articles. Humans often transform them from the original form into another machine-processable form, making scaling and automation difficult.

Artificial intelligence can use sophisticated language models based on large amounts of data to evaluate the information and the underlying communication and automate the resulting actions.

If you only think for a moment, you will quickly be able to identify some processes in your own company where automatic AI-supported language processing can replace manual activities and significantly speed up the associated business processes.

Creation And Strategy: A particular advantage of AI is that it works exceptionally effectively when a person is hopelessly overwhelmed: In decision-making situations, the right choice depends on hundreds of parameters and large amounts of data. Long-term employees tend to have “gut instincts”. Hit out. Fields of application for this AI area are, for example, lending and risk assessment in the financial sector or finding new active ingredients and chemical compounds in medicine. Even when it comes to finding new strategies, for example, for effective statics in construction or new approaches to energy management, AI can provide a lot of support.

Opportunity For “Intelligent” Restructuring Of The Company

Anyone who uses artificial intelligence in their own company quickly gets to the point of thinking about internal procedures and processes. It is not about adapting processes in such a way that AI can be used. The approach is the other way around:

AI enables new ways of working in the company that are much more efficient and faster. It can also be used to put new business models into practice, thereby increasing sales and profits.

The search for possible uses of AI in one’s own company also reassesses business and decision-making processes. It leads to numerous process optimizations and extensive automation. This makes companies more resilient and puts them in a better market position than the competition.

Process Optimization: Don’t Be Afraid Of AI

Introducing a new technology triggers fears (especially unemployment) in many people. Not least in the case of AI, because it seems that the last bastion of human intelligence – thinking – is to be replaced by machines. Today’s AI is not all-encompassing but specialises in specific use cases. It relieves employees of monotonous work and can also handle more complex tasks. In return, it creates new opportunities and also jobs that didn’t exist before. The more frequently AI is used, the fewer people will be afraid of contact, and ultimately the benefits will be visible.

Raise AI Treasures With AI Patterns

The most important step for using AI to optimise processes in a company is to understand and classify the fields of application for artificial intelligence, their potential, and the current limitations. With the Cloud Flight AI Patterns, we have developed a structured approach that supports the AI ​​transformation of our customers. Possible applications are jointly developed and prioritised, and expected increases in productivity are calculated. The result of the AI ​​Patterns approach is a plan that is easy to put into practice to use AI productively promptly.

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