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Mesh WiFi: Fast Wireless Network With Comprehensive Coverage

How to set up a WiFi mesh network with the new Intellinet kit consisting of a router and two small satellite units. The system allows you to cover an area of ​​approximately 420 square meters easily. When setting up a WiFi network, we often focus on choosing the router and don’t think about the areas we want to reach with the wireless signal.

The result is that even depending on the physical location selected for installing the router, the performances achieved during data transfer on client devices connected to the WiFi could be better. There needs to be more bandwidth, or the wireless connection is unstable. The devices we generally look at are the range extenders that are not born to use the identical

SSID as the leading network, and the transition from the router to these devices is never instantaneous. Moving from one environment to another, the connection can drop, and as a result, data transfers can be interrupted. WiFi mesh networks are designed to eliminate any difficulty. In this case, the network comprises several elements called “nodes”, which communicate with each other and allow you to create a single WiFi with an SSID that always remains the same.

A WiFi mesh allows you to extend the coverage of the wireless signal without users and client devices in use, notifying the transition from one node to another. As explained in the article Mesh network, what it is and how it works, the router is no longer the central pivot: the peer-to-peer approach ensures that the mesh network is always used with the same level of performance regardless of client location device physics.

Also Read: WiFi In Educational Centers, Schools And Universities

Intellinet AC1200 WiFi Mesh Kit: Get Fast WiFi Over 420 Square Meters

We have often tried WiFi systems comprising a router and several satellite units: some do not mesh, and others offer massive units. Intellinet offers its AC1200 WiFi mesh kit consisting of a compact router (one WAN port and two LAN ports) and two satellites with three LAN ports each. It is a more than affordable solution that solves all coverage problems inside large buildings, even on several floors, with the possibility of reaching external areas with a wireless signal.

Each unit has compact dimensions (100 x 100 x 105 mm) and can be placed in any environment. On the Intellinet router, the WAN port and one LAN are Gigabit Ethernet (up to 1 Gbps), while the third port supports data transfers up to 100 Mbps; on the satellite units, two LAN ports are Gigabit Ethernet (up to 1 Gbps) while the third allows data transfers up to 100 Mbps. The Intellinet WiFi kit can be used with any ultra-broadband connection up to 1 Gbps without introducing bottlenecks.

Furthermore, the Ethernet ports on the router and the other units can connect devices via cable without establishing a WiFi connection. The acronym AC1200 means that the system makes it possible to obtain a total bandwidth of 1200 Mbps by adding up that available on the 2.4 GHz and that on the 5 GHz frequencies, respectively, 300 Mbps plus 867 Mbps.

The kit configuration is straightforward: connect the “INTERNET” port of the Intellinet router to a modem, another router or even a switch using an Ethernet cable, then position and switch on the two satellite units. To configure the mesh system and the WiFi network with a single SSID, use the Intellinet apps for Android and iOS or connect to the IntellinetMesh open wireless network, then type http://ap.setup or

By entering the password printed under the label of the Intellinet router, you can start configuring the devices by indicating whether the router of the mesh WiFi system should receive the IP dynamically via DHCP or if it should use a static private address. The administration panel of the mesh WiFi kit returns information on data transfers in progress, the number of connected clients, the reachability of each access point (satellite unit or extender ), the IP address used within the local network and so on.

You can deeply adjust the system’s behavior by tapping or clicking on the various icons. In the WiFi section, there is, for example, a reference to TouchLink or Touch-and-Connect. This unique feature allows guests to connect to the guest network without typing any password within a period between 30 and 200 seconds ( the value is freely settable).

To activate TouchLink, touch the router’s top and wait for the LED to start flashing blue: from this moment, it will be possible to establish a connection to the guest network without entering any password. Among the most exciting settings are the possibility of configuring a DDNS service ( NoIP or ChangeIP ), disabling the ping (ICMP requests) coming from the WAN port, scanning the ports, turning off the LEDs, performing a backup/restore and obviously, to enable port forwarding or establish a demilitarized zone (DMZ).

The Intellinet WiFi AC1200 Mesh Kit ensures a stable WiFi signal over a vast area (up to 420 m 2 ) with the ability to move from one room to another while still using a fast and reliable connection, strictly as if you were connected to the central modem router. Furthermore, the entire system’s configuration is straightforward: just set the router via the app or web panel to automatically set the satellite units.

Also Read: Problems Of WiFi Networks

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