HomeBUSINESSHome Office: How Companies Develop Sustainable Concepts

Home Office: How Companies Develop Sustainable Concepts

After the obligation to work from home, the office space will fill up again. Whether or not you can continue working from home depends on the employer.

According to current figures from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg, only one in five companies would like to expand the possibilities for mobile working in the long term. On the other hand, ten percent of the companies are planning to reduce the possibilities for the home office to below the level before the pandemic. After the obligation to work from home on July 1, 2021, the offices slowly filled up again. Whether you can continue to work from home and for how long currently depends on the goodwill and technical requirements of the employer.

Home Office: The Need For Digital Transformation Processes Not Recognized

Even if the crisis represents a kind of opportunity catalyst, many companies have still not recognized the need for digital transformation processes and fundamental changes and have even less understood the implications. When it comes to this change, it is important to pay attention to the implementation of administrative and work processes and to focus on the use of cloud-based solutions”.

Home Office: Companies Have To Analyze The Initial Situation

Before each change process, it is necessary to analyze the initial situation concerning various factors thoroughly. Company-specific features such as internal processes, employees, and the current infrastructure are at the top of the checklist. This is an excellent opportunity to critically question and purify the processes that have grown organically over the years. Which processes have to be processed? For which employees do the upcoming changes play a role? It should not be forgotten that digital transformation fails without the participation of employees. And what potential does your company structure have?

“The resulting solution requirements are then prioritized according to what is needed and already available.” It is precisely those skills that are not yet available that need to be built up, whereas existing processes only require a change in the best case. To optimally exploit the potential of technical possibilities, employees and employers discuss where home office, digitization, etc., can be meaningfully integrated into one’s own company. If they do not have the necessary skills and experience to initiate such transformations, the expertise of corresponding digitization providers is available to them.

Making Change: From Knowledge Transfer To The Implementation Of A Strategy

Service providers specializing in IT and online solutions such as SinkaCom AG help companies to implement sustainable change – from knowledge transfer and implementation to the implementation of in-house strategies, business and communication content in systems, processes, and your organization. “If you are waiting for changes to come naturally, you are wasting your time. To see success early on, it is important to start now. It is simply not enough to scan the incoming mail and then continue with it like before”.

Requirements For Home Office And Digitization 4.0

Human capital, technology, and the right organization – these are the decisive pillars with which home office, digitization 4.0, and Co. succeed. The human factor plays an important role here. After all, this resource cannot simply be modified with a click of the mouse. The situation is different with prevailing digital structures: If companies adopt the technological components to the requirements in an agile manner, important synergy effects arise that support the performance of employees.

“However, misunderstandings and errors often occur when aligning those same components. It is of little help to those involved to keep outdated software and only subordinate modern processes to previous structures”. If you have no IT competence in-house, you should carefully consider bringing this technical part into the company from outside. It makes more economic sense for most medium-sized companies to buy this service externally.

In the course of implementation, it is important to determine which tools are on your server, in the data center, or with external companies. In addition, it must be decided which technical integrations and automation are to be implemented via interfaces and where deliberately manual processes are to be retained.

External Service Providers Take Over The Operation Of Applications

Especially for companies that do not have the necessary know-how, useful software solutions can be found in the cloud or as software as a service. The latter describes the principle of operating digital applications from external service providers and using them remotely. Not only can the corresponding service options be rented, but companies can also outsource their own IT responsibility. Services that come from the cloud also allow every employee to work where they have a connection to the network – be it in their own four walls, in the office, or a co-working space.

Companies today have cloud-based solutions for CRM or ERP systems and telephone systems, among other things. And your software? The answer can also be found in the “digital cloud.” Experts make corresponding programs and apps accessible via private servers and thus lay the foundation for successful digitization.

As a specialized partner in digitizing services of general interest and local supply concepts, SinkaCom AG supports districts, cities, municipalities, and municipalities in the implementation of sustainable concepts. More than 20 years of experience in online trading form the basis for successful projects such as “Smart Cities” and “Smart Regions.” To offer real added value, SinkaCom AG combines standard and individual software and thus increases the potential for synergy effects.

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