Training Measures: How Companies Are Finally Ending Digital Inertia

For over a year, there has been more talk about digitization than ever before. But there are still few deeds that follow. The recently published survey report “Vocational training in the digital world of work” by the federal government shows that we need further training measures for digital skills.

In addition to further training measures, complete new qualifications are even required for the digital jobs in demand to ensure long-term economic participation for everyone in our country. Because in this way we can offer people new perspectives in a changing world of work and secure their jobs. And we don’t need digital skills in a few years, but right now. Times have never been more favorable, and our society has never been more ready and open to new things. So let’s finally get started and stop just fooling around.

Eliminate The Shortage Of Skilled Workers Through Further Training Measures

For me, the experts of the study commission name in their report “Vocational training in the digital world of work “Exactly what we should have long been aware of in society: Vocational training measures are the instrument with which we can meet the growing demand for skilled workers in the Federal Republic – and thus remain competitive in the global economy. Above all, there is a lack of digitization experts. Many competitors are vying for the few that exist simultaneously, but we have enough well-trained workers in our country. We should equip them with digital skills instead of replacing them. We can solve the problem with further training measures because the shortage of skilled workers is more of a lack of qualifications. The study commission’s report also confirms this.

The Future Will Not Work Without Promoting Digital Skills

The dimensions of the effects of digital change on jobs have already been examined in many ways: According to an estimate by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, for example, 40 to 50 percent of all employees will have to re-qualify in a digital job profile by 2030. In the automotive industry alone, this affects around 400,000 jobs. In addition to initial training, further training measures are an integral part of their educational path for most employees. The keyword here is lifelong learning.

This is the conclusion of the study commission and goes one step further: “This means that professional training is not only of paramount importance for meeting the need for skilled workers but also for social cohesion.” In plain language: Qualification measures are not just An absolute must for individual professional groups, but all within the solidarity community. And because that is the case and we know the facts, we shouldn’t wait any longer but take proactive countermeasures today. Because of how fatal the digital indolence of the Germans can take revenge, the homeschooling madness and health-political authority madness in the pandemic coping have proven all too impressive.

Step By Step: This Is How Companies Tackle Digitization

So far, my impression is that when it comes to digitization, many people experience a kind of paralysis: Where do you start? Companies can start the digital qualification of their employees with these steps:

  • Use clear communication and transparency to educate employees about benefits.
  • Create an adequate digital infrastructure so that all employees have access to digital solutions.
  • Identify potential and needs: Which employees should receive further training measures?
  • If necessary, involve experts from the private sector who can create and implement tailor-made different training offers.
  • Set binding goals and keep them on a schedule.
  • Apply for funding and set off into the digital future

Traffic Lights For Further Training Measures Are Green

The federal government recognized the potential of further training in digital skills even before the survey and already set the right course with the Work of Tomorrow Act and the Qualification Opportunities Act: Both employees and companies that invest in further training and re-qualification can generously support this permit. In the case of smaller companies, 100 percent of the costs are borne by the way. So I can only plead for it: The time of evaluating and forecasting is over. Start training your employees.

We need clear words and an immediate rethink – both on the part of decision-makers in companies and on the part of employees. Because it will not work without regular investments in the workforce’s own and digital qualifications, anyone who hesitates unnecessarily and ignores such funding offers will quickly find themselves on the move to digitization. That is why I urgently appeal to all companies that are still hesitating: seize the opportunity. Your employees are now ready for change. Rely on further training measures and face the future with a digitally qualified workforce.

Tech Rushs

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