Netlinking Strategy: Identify The Relevance Of A Link For Its SEO

Netlinking Strategy Identify The Relevance Of A Link For Its SEO

The net linking strategy takes a prominent place in the referencing of a website. Indeed, the popularity of your site increases with the number of relevant links that point to it. On the contrary, the abuse of poor-quality links can harm your site. Google’s Penguin filter reminds us that any unnatural link to your site or any aggressive strategy can be subject to a penalty that can prove catastrophic for your business. To avoid such a penalty, knowing how to identify opportunities and relevant links to improve your SEO is essential. So here are some important things that can help you tell a good link from a bad one.

The Theme Of The Site: Choose The Relevance

The theme of the site is an essential factor, according to Google. Indeed, the practice of linking your site with countless sites of all kinds is over since Google enforced its net linking law. Its objective is to offer its users quality sites with relevant information recommended by influential sites on this report’s theme.

The search engine knows how to identify the general theme of a site. Other tools, such as Majestic SEO, make it possible to identify the topics covered by the sites by assigning them a specific confidence score. If one of the site’s main themes that link to one of your pages is similar to yours, then the backlink generated will have more weight because of its relevance and legitimacy.

The Quality Of The Site: Sorting Out The Suitors

If there is one essential criterion, it is the quality of the site and its content. To acquire a growing notoriety on the American search engine, discarding the areas that the engine dismisses itself is logical. Penalized sites, sites not respecting its recommendations, sites not having correct SEO visibility… There is no shortage of contentious cases. The precept “Quality before quantity” is one of the best philosophies to apply to its net linking. If you doubt the merits of a net linking action, go your way!

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The Quality Of The Referring Page: Contextualize Its Backlinks

The quality of the linking page is also essential: the content must be helpful for users and well constructed. It is partly the content of the referring page that will bring a gain to your site. The usual SEO parameters of the referring page should, therefore, use the keywords targeted or close to those to be developed on your site. The anchor of the link falls into these various parameters, which affect the landing page the most. Here too, Google limits the abuse of over-optimizing parameters external to your site.

Thus, I strongly advise you to optimize only some of your link anchors on the same keyword or even on the title tag of your landing page… Therefore, The main thing in obtaining new links consists of placing these links on pages that provide relevant information on your theme. The more legitimate and appropriate your connection will be in the discourse of the referring page, the better its impact will be.

The Trust Flow Of The Site And The Page

Everyone has their tool for measuring the quality of referring sites and backlinks! As far as we are concerned, we use Majestic SEO. Still, beyond the choice of your analysis platform, we recommend anticipating which link profile this or that referring site will be able to send you.

This concept of Trust Flow is a quality score calculated from the relevance and trust index of referring sites. In your approach to developing a quality network, this note will help identify the areas and links that best correspond to your net linking strategy. In addition, the platforms allow, among other things, to gauge the quality of the links of one’s network over time. A must-have for ambitious net-linking action plans!

Notoriety-Related Opportunities

Finally, several opportunities can arise thanks to the overall notoriety of the site. Many visitors from a backlink can generate business opportunities beyond its advantage for your natural referencing. The estimated overall site traffic, the number of Twitter followers and Facebook fans, the general presence on social networks and the interaction with members are the key indicators to consult to estimate this notoriety. It is, therefore, necessary to consider all of these criteria to establish whether a link is relevant to you.

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