8 Tools To Manage Your Instagram Account Like A Professional


1. Onlypult

This web application is paid and allows you to also schedule publications to be published on Instagram.

Unlike the previous ones, this tool allows you to make different publications, that is, publish videos, image gallery, among others. However, with the other applications you can only upload an image and that’s it.

On the other hand, if you need to know the statistics of your profile, this tool will provide you with a lot of very useful data, both from publications and from followers.

2. Unfollower for Instagram

It is a mobile application with which you can manage followers in a very simple way.

You will be able to find out who has stopped following you and stop following them in one click. In addition, you will also know who your fans are, being able to return the follower.

3. Don’t follow me

This website has the same functions as the previous application, but it is very good to manage the followers from the computer instead of the mobile.

It has a 30-day free version and you can also use it for Twitter

4. Giphy

From the tools to program content on Instagram, many times it does not allow us to directly share a GIF, for this reason, it is necessary to first convert it to a video to publish on Instagram.

For this we will use Giphy, a tool that sends the video to the email to download it. Also, it provides you with a link to any GIF to post on Facebook and other social networks. Here I explain how this free tool is used.

5. Repost

If your business is dedicated to selling products, you can share your followers’ posts with your products from your profile. This type of publication works very well and encourages other followers to create more publications of this type, thus increasing your visibility within Instagram.

6. Top 100 Hashtag

In this web page, Top 100 Hashtag, you will be able to know the 100 most used hashtags within this social network, being able to know if the trend of your hashtags has changed over the months.

Check how, using the most popular hashtags on Instagram related to your sector, improve your results, that is, improve the reach of your publications, interaction and followers.

7. Iconosquare

Iconosquare allows you to measure Instagram statistics, formerly this free tool, but now a paid one.

8. Metricool

With Metricool you can measure the statistics of the publications. In this way, you will know what type of publications work best and repeat them in the future.

In addition, it allows you to know the evolution of your followers, which ones you have gained and which ones you have lost.

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